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Icom / Inoue (475)
Kenwood / Trio (328)
Yaesu (351)

ADI (11)
AKD (4)
Alinco (207)
Anytone (12)
AOR (55)
Apache Labs (8)
Atlas Radio (15)
Azden (35)
Bando Radio (13)
Baofeng / BTech / Pofung (31)
Bearcat / Electra / Uniden (153)
Belcom (10)
Braun Funktechnische Geräte (9)
Clegg (23)
Collins / Rockwell (41)
Commander (25)
DLS (8)
Dragon (5)
Drake (49)
Eddystone (32)
E.F.Johnson (16)
Eico (2)
Elad (3)
Elecraft (14)
Etón (7)
Expert Electronics (6)
FDK (17)
FlexRadio Systems (8)
Galaxy (6)
Geloso (9)
Gonset (20)
Grundig (31)
Hallicrafters (136)
Hammarlund (91)
Handic (20)
Harvey-Wells (8)
Heathkit / Heath (66)
Hilberling (8)
JIM (8)
JRC (23)
Kantronics (8)
KDK (14)
K.W. Electronics (23)
Lafayette (46)
Lowe (12)
Marconi (4)
Minix (7)
Mizuho (32)
National Company / NRCI (54)
National / Panasonic (29)
NCG (4)
Philips (3)
QYT (8)
Racal (7)
RadioShack / Realistic (232)
RCA (3)
Regency (55)
RFspace (5)
RFT / Teltow (4)
RME ElectroVoice (2)
Roberts (10)
Rohde & Schwarz (13)
Sangean (16)
Santec (8)
Semco Electronic / Semcoset (7)
Siemens (6)
Signal Communication Corp. (10)
Signal/One (4)
Sommerkamp (30)
Sony (41)
Standard (77)
Standard Radio & Telefon (SRT) (7)
Star Mfg. Co. (8)
Svensk Radio / Svera (18)
Swan / Cubic (32)
Tecsun (9)
Ten-Tec (54)
Tokyo Hy-Power (9)
Watkins-Johnson (8)
Whistler (12)
WiNRADiO (24)
Wouxun (7)
Xiegu (10)
Yupiteru (18)

Other ham radio brands (238)

Other receiver/scanner brands (278)


SM Callbook

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Amateur TeleVision & DXTV (89)
Receiving converters (28)
Transmitting converters (2)
Transverters (59)
Specialized radios (85)

Accessories & options (2292)
Antennas / Aerials (1310)
APRS equipment (10)
CW gear (42)
Microphones & speaker-mikes (401)
Power amplifiers (590)
Power supplies (390)
Repeaters (16)
Repeater controllers (7)
Rotators (107)
Text and imaging gear (136)

900 MHz bands (99)
Broadcasting (Small scale) (15)
CB / Freeband / Export (1736)
DAB & DRM (20)
Early TV-sets (61)
Emergency beacons (14)
License-free transceivers (283)
Marine transceivers (380)
Military radios (69)
Mobile phone gear (Analog) (73)
Professional transceivers (233)
Radar detectors (178)
RF development boards (10)
RF gadgets (5)
RF measuring gear (112)
Various test equipment (4)
Vintage computers (159)

Aboard the ISS
ATV in Stockholm
Beacons, Stockholm area
Catalogs (15)
CB terms and slang
Components and datasheets
Equipment accessibility reference
Hoax, fake and counterfeit! (7)
Movies and TV-series (58)
Other useful info
Radio related abbreviations
Repeaters, Stockholm area
Schematics, manuals 'n' stuff
Silent keys, Sweden
Time zones

Blog-ish (7)
Ringar & nät på svenska (4+6) Swedish flag

About RigPix
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VHF Aurora
VHF Aurora
Europe - 50 MHz Es
Es 50 MHz Europe
Europe - 70 MHz Es
Es 70 MHz Europe
Europe - 144 MHz Es
Es 144 MHz Europe
N.America - 144 MHz Es
Es 144 MHz North America
Today's MUF & Es
Today's MUF


Geomagnetic field
Geomagnetic field


A no-nonsense, multi-gigabyte source of information and pictures of radios, accessories and more

This is the original, officially online since 2000, on a mission to preserve the ham radio heritage, and more.

Check What's new? for latest updates.

And hey! If you like this site, or find it useful, please support it by making a donation.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

73 de SM0OFV/Janne (For contact info, please check either HamQTH.com or the SM Callbook)

Blue-yellow bar

September 2024:A new SDR receiver from RigExpert: Fobos SDR
September 2024:Tecsun's new receiver in an old cabinet. the S-2200x
August 2024:Icom's new HF/6m rig with separate control head and RF deck: IC-7760
August 2024:Yaesu's new portable "shack-in-a-box" for 2025. Behold the FTX-1F
August 2024:Yet another new expandable CB transceiver from Radioddity: CB-900 Pro
August 2024:A new 10/11/12/15 m transceiver from Radioddity: QT80
July 2024:Icom's new hand scanner; the IC-R15
June 2024:A new 10/11/12 m transceiver from President, the Washington (TXPR901)
May 2024:A new SDR receiver from SDRPlay: RSPdx-R2
May 2024:Two new DV capable scanners from Uniden Bearcat: BCD-160DN and BCD-260DN
February 2024:Baofeng's new triband HT; the 5RM
February 2024:A new HF / 6 m transceiver from Xiegu; the X6200
February 2024:A new SDR receiver from SDRplay; the RSP1B
February 2024:A new CB/export transceiver from Ranger: RCI-29 Base

Older news

There are currently 7235 radios in the database
plus loads of accessories and other equipment

Site updated 2024-10-19

24059369 (Unique hits since 2001-02-01)

The amateur's code, formulated in 1928
§1 - The amateur is considerate
He never knowingly uses the air in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others

§2 - The amateur is loyal
He offers his loyalty, encouragement and support to his fellow radio amateurs, his local club and his national association, through which amateur radio is represented

§3 - The amateur is progressive
He keeps his station abreast of science. It is well-built and efficient. His operating practice is above reproach

§4 - The amateur is friendly
Slow and patient sending when requested, friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others; these are the marks of the amateur spirit

§5 - The amateur is balanced
Radio is his hobby. He never allows it to interfere with any of the duties he owes to his home, his job, his school or his community

§6 - The amateur is patriotic
His knowledge and his station are always ready for service of his country and his community

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RigPix database - a rigreference with information and pictures of radios, accessories and more
RigPix database - a source of information and radiopics, accessories and more